As a teacher, I think concept map is a helpful tool that any teacher can use in their classes. It can helps teacher to convert complicated lessons into easy, simple lessons. I use concept mapping usually in preparing my lessons to make them very easy to my students. I always use brainstorming in my daily life not only in teaching because it helps me to arrange and organize my ideas and thoughts. So, my advice to all teacher use concept map in your class to make your subject much easier and lovely.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Week 8: Concept Map
As a teacher, I think concept map is a helpful tool that any teacher can use in their classes. It can helps teacher to convert complicated lessons into easy, simple lessons. I use concept mapping usually in preparing my lessons to make them very easy to my students. I always use brainstorming in my daily life not only in teaching because it helps me to arrange and organize my ideas and thoughts. So, my advice to all teacher use concept map in your class to make your subject much easier and lovely.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Week 7: Planning a WebQuest
We discussed the objectives of the lesson and what we should consider in our lesson, putting in mind their level and previous knowledge that might have. Also, we discussed the contents of the WebQuest according to the main five parts (Introduction, tasks, process, evaluation, conclusion) and what we will include on each part. We agreed on a scenario for the introduction that will hopefully will motivate students and attract their attention in class.
Moreover, we decided to start searching for good resources that fit the age of our students and their level of understanding. Also, we decided the type of activities that will be on WebQuest tasks that will add enjoyment to our students in a smooth way.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Week 6: WebQuest!
We learned last time that blog is one of ICT Mind-tools. Today, we have another ICT Mind-tool that based on Inquiry learning which is called WebQuest. WebQuest is usualy designed by using a PowerPoint Presentation and Word Document. It consists from a main question that relates to the lesson that teacher wants to teach. After the teacher asks students this main question and give them tasks to do, they will use internet websites and other resources materials to search the answers according to the given tasks in WebQuest Presentation.
Therefore, to build a WebQuest you should consider the following parts. First part is the introduction that gets students attention to the topic and motivate them to go to the next step. The second part is tasks. Teacher should prepare a number of tasks and activities so students know what they are looking for. The third part is process. Teacher should give clear steps to students to follow it, like dividing them into groups and giving them a certain websites to check on. The forth part is evaluation. Teacher should give a clear rubric of evaluation that will be assessed according to it. Last part is conclusion. Teacher should write a conclusion to the lesson that should summaries the lesson ideas.
In last, I think WebQuest is an interesting ICT tool that students almost like. Its idea is near to Intel course that I attended last year in involving ICT in lessons teaching.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Week 5: Student Centered Learning & Inquiry Based Learning
Have you ever heard about SCL? If not, then read the following to know it. SCL is the abbreviation of the term Student Centered Learning. It’s an educational approach that deals with student as a centered active person in learning process. In other words, the student is the one who is in charge in his/her learning. So, it’s kind of independent learning style. The teacher in this process is a facilitator, a helper, a coach, a guide and an assessor more than lecturer or teacher who just delivers information.
In the other hand, student is the centered active player and he/she is the knowledge producer here. SCL can be fit through active learning, or problem solving based, project based learning, co-operative learning, inquiry based learning and finally the authentic learning. Teacher can apply any of the previous approaches in their classes to achieve the SCL; since the approaches will serve the different learning abilities. Also, teacher as he/she is a facilitator; then different resources to accomplish this learning style should be available to make the learning is more easy for students like internet or books.
In the end students with SCL style will learn variety of skills like problem solving skills, thinking & analysis skills, decision making, lifelong learning skills and finally social skills.
Inquiry Learning:
Recently, teachers are encouraged to use Inquiry learning in their teaching. It is about seeking information by questioning. Using this SCL style will change teacher's role in class; the teacher becomes a guided more than a deliver of information, because student is the one who should look, search, reflect, integrate information and finally refine their questions. Using such a method will help students to build their knowledge by their own and according to their interest!