Friday, January 2, 2009

Links to WebQuests

WebQuest links (with in my curriculum):

1- Computer Injuries WebQuest

I have chosen this WebQuest for many reasons. This WebQuest is about Computer Injuries which is one of the lessons that I teach in computer subject for grade 6, so it is in my concentration area. In other words, it focuses in computer's affects of using it on our health once we are using it without taking care of the proper setting and other issues that ergonomic science has addresses. It has all of the main five parts that every WebQuest should have, which are introduction, tasks, process, evaluation and conclusion. It has a simple language that is understandable, if I use it as an example for my students. It has an interesting scenario that attracts and encourages students to learn. The tasks and process are clear. It has a simple design that it is easy to browse for my students. It addresses the IT skills that students should show and practice thru producing Brochure at the end. It contains resources that has been used in building it which makes another reason to choose it because it shows the respect of intellectual property rights that I have taught my students several times. It has a detailed rubric for evaluation which is good to have in WebQuest.

2- History of Computers WebQuest

I have chosen this WebQuest because it is about History of Computer. This topic explains one of the lessons in computer subject for middle school, so it is in my curriculum area. It focuses in computer history and how it has been developed in the last century. It has all of the main five parts that every WebQuest should have, which are introduction, tasks, process, evaluation and conclusion. It has a simple language that is understandable. It has an interesting scenario in the introduction that attracts and encourages students to learn. The tasks and process are clear and within pictures which makes it enjoyable. It has a simple design that it is easy to navigate. It addresses the IT skills that students should show and practice thru producing HyperStudio thru using PowerPoint presentation at the end. It has a detailed rubric for evaluation I liked it very much because it assesses every step.

3- Web Design WebQuest

I have chosen this WebQuest because it is in concentration area of my subject. It is about Web Design which is one of the computer units for grade 9. It focuses in building website skills. It has all of the main five parts that every WebQuest should have, which are introduction, tasks, process, evaluation and conclusion. It has a simple language that is understandable. It has a good scenario in the introduction that encourages students to learn. The tasks and process are clear. It has a simple design that makes it easy to navigate. It addresses the IT skills that students should show and practice thru producing website. It has a detailed rubric for evaluation of the work.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Benefits & Limitations of Blogs in Classroom

Blogs are a method of communication in the Internet nowadays. It is what some teachers are using in their classrooms instead of traditional ways like journals and dairies. It is also the way many students prefer to write what they want and share with others. What makes blogs beneficial is the informality in writing in it and sharing it with others. It breaks the routine and encourages students to participate since it is a comfortable environment. This way of communication suits some students who are shy of sharing opinions in classroom and it gives them a chance to get over their shyness. Additionally, blogs save time of the classroom. Using blogs is also a ways to know about the students’ interest, which will help teachers when they plan their lessons. It gives the students the opportunity of learning about some IT skills, which may help them in the future. There is no specific subject or area to use blogs; so all curricula can use it. Blogs can help teacher in some terms of classroom managent like positive classroom climate and less classroom disturbance because students will be engaged in learning. Blogs are a good example for student learning centered style.

However, using blogs have some limitations. To illustrate more, social interaction will be less when we are using blogs more than face-to-face conversations or discussions. It may cause some difficulties in knowing how to talk with people in reality without the blog. There is a chance that using blogs may cause some extra burdens on parents who cannot offer having Internet at home. Using blogs may not suite some students who have poor IT skills and it may not be fair for them. It also may not suit their learning style. When some students have medical excuses for not using computer, using blogs will be an issue for them. Thus, blog is a coin with to faces and each one of these faces should be considered to have an effective learning environment. It is an interesting way to apply it in classes, but we need to consider the consequences and try to balance in addition to be fair to our students.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


ICT as a tutor means involving computers in teaching. Teachers can design or use existing materials in the internet or as software to enhance their teaching. Therefore, these ICT tools as tutor can be in form of drill and practice form, tutorial, simulation, and games. However, teachers need to be careful in choosing materials for their students from the internet because not all of them in the same level of difficulty or have the same cultural value. Also, the language skills differ from resource to another. So, teacher needs to select the appropriate resources that its content is relevant to the course objectives.

In fact, using ICT programs as a tutor helps teachers in their lessons because these lessons become much enjoyable for students since that students are the one who look for the information in an interesting approach.

With tutorial software, no one should fear. In the above websites there are many tutorials for computer software such as Microsoft office, apple applications and designing software like adobe PhotoShop. It is obvious that tutorials software play an important role in self learning. I have chosen these two links because they are focusing in my curriculum area and the software tutorials are for programs that are one of my favorites. The tutorials are clear and easy to follow and apply.

2- Drill and Practice Software

These are a drill and practice software. I have chosen these two websites as a drill and practice examples because students can repeat the answer till they got the correct answer. Moreover, it's with in my curriculum area. The design of both websites is simple. The language in both is clear and out of spelling mistakes.

3- Games

These two games are nice example for learning formatting tools for grade four and five. Both websites have a simple design and clear content. Both their language is clear. They are focusing in Microsoft words formatting tools, so they are with in my curriculum area. The content is well presented.

This simulation software is for flying a plane. Since simulation and the virtual reality is one of the topics that I teach for grade 9, the lesson gives simulation for flying a plane as an example that declares the meaning of simulation in the world of Technology. Also, this video in Youtube gives another addressing to the topic of simulation since all of these simulations have been done thru computer programs. I have chosen this website for the simulation of flying a plane because it has a nice flash introduction that makes you feel like you are flying now and you need to take the control of your plane. Also, see this youtube video below.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week 9: Collaboration and Discussion using ICT

In this week, we discussed the topic of ICT as Social constructive mind tools. Many social studies and theories say that people learn from their society culture. Therefore, learning is a social constructivist approach. So, People learn through making their own meaning through active participation. The same goes for new generation who build their knowledge and learning by doing. So, when students participate in their learning through critical thinking skills they have to analyze what they got in classes and build their own understanding of any concept. This kind of learning can be in a social network through working, living and playing. However, teachers face some problems in classroom in terms of student participation. Therefore, ICT tools can solve this problem.

ICT can build a social network for learning conversations through using different tools like formal discussion tool – online discussion- such as blackboard which I used to use in Zayed University, or collaborative learning – sharing knowledge- such as wiki, and informal discussion tool – social networking- such as FaceBook. These tools can help teacher to help his/her students build their knowledge through sharing and participate in such a network. Also, using such tools help increasing the independent learning among students and making learning as lifelong purpose.

These tools even if they are one to many or many to many conversations network, they can help students learn especially those who feel shy to participate in classroom and build their learning. However, there are risks of using these tools like privacy -revealing identity-, online prey - concealing real identity- , and commercial exploitation -identity theft-. Therefore, teacher should teach students the ethical issues of using such software tools in their social constructive learning of ICT tools.

I believe that the new generations of students will learn better if they have the opportunity to use these tools in their educational systems as a source of learning and knowledge that they can use usually in schools. Moreover, I can say that I gain a lot of benefits and still gain from using social networks - ICT tools - in building my own knowledge, and I think the same will go for my students since these tools give the chance of information exchange between different minds and thoughts from the most expertise to the simple one.

Hint: We remember that mind tools are ICT tools that apply and facilitate critical thinking and higher order learning. These tools include concept mapping that we discussed last time, and live conversation and conferences.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week 8: Concept Map

Today, our lecture was about an important idea that helps teacher in teaching; this topic is the concept mapping. In simple words, concept map is the process of representation of the relationship of a concept in a graphical figure or diagram. It represents a structure of a person's knowledge. Therefore, concept map is vary in purposes like it helps the teacher to show the limit of understanding of knowledge or gives a summary about what is being taught. So, it can help the teacher to clear up misconception that some students got. However, when teacher builds a concept map she should remember that a concept map needs to be easy to modify, or rearrange and not easy to modify handwritten of the main concepts of the map. As every thing has benefits of use the same thing goes for concept map. It can consider as an excellent alternative for tradition methods that teacher can use since the teacher can add and use images on it. The main uses of concept map can be in using it in brainstorming, curriculum planning and tracking of students.

As a teacher, I think concept map is a helpful tool that any teacher can use in their classes. It can helps teacher to convert complicated lessons into easy, simple lessons. I use concept mapping usually in preparing my lessons to make them very easy to my students. I always use brainstorming in my daily life not only in teaching because it helps me to arrange and organize my ideas and thoughts. So, my advice to all teacher use concept map in your class to make your subject much easier and lovely.

Hint: You can use Inspiration program for drawing your concept maps. Its easy to use and I can assure that you will like it very much. Since I used it in College and till now its my favorite program in drawing diagrams and brainstorming maps. :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week 7: Planning a WebQuest

Today we started to plan our WebQuest project. My group consists of me and my classmates Mariam and Jamila. We began to draft our ideas and thoughts. We choose the science subject to teach. The topic is about seasons for grade 3.

We discussed the objectives of the lesson and what we should consider in our lesson, putting in mind their level and previous knowledge that might have. Also, we discussed the contents of the WebQuest according to the main five parts (Introduction, tasks, process, evaluation, conclusion) and what we will include on each part. We agreed on a scenario for the introduction that will hopefully will motivate students and attract their attention in class.
Moreover, we decided to start searching for good resources that fit the age of our students and their level of understanding. Also, we decided the type of activities that will be on WebQuest tasks that will add enjoyment to our students in a smooth way.

Our work is still continuous in building our WebQuest :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week 6: WebQuest!

We learned last time that blog is one of ICT Mind-tools. Today, we have another ICT Mind-tool that based on Inquiry learning which is called WebQuest. WebQuest is usualy designed by using a PowerPoint Presentation and Word Document. It consists from a main question that relates to the lesson that teacher wants to teach. After the teacher asks students this main question and give them tasks to do, they will use internet websites and other resources materials to search the answers according to the given tasks in WebQuest Presentation.

Therefore, to build a WebQuest you should consider the following parts. First part is the introduction that gets students attention to the topic and motivate them to go to the next step. The second part is tasks. Teacher should prepare a number of tasks and activities so students know what they are looking for. The third part is process. Teacher should give clear steps to students to follow it, like dividing them into groups and giving them a certain websites to check on. The forth part is evaluation. Teacher should give a clear rubric of evaluation that will be assessed according to it. Last part is conclusion. Teacher should write a conclusion to the lesson that should summaries the lesson ideas.
In last, I think WebQuest is an interesting ICT tool that students almost like. Its idea is near to Intel course that I attended last year in involving ICT in lessons teaching.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week 5: Student Centered Learning & Inquiry Based Learning

Student Centered Learning:
Have you ever heard about SCL? If not, then read the following to know it. SCL is the abbreviation of the term Student Centered Learning. It’s an educational approach that deals with student as a centered active person in learning process. In other words, the student is the one who is in charge in his/her learning. So, it’s kind of independent learning style. The teacher in this process is a facilitator, a helper, a coach, a guide and an assessor more than lecturer or teacher who just delivers information.

In the other hand, student is the centered active player and he/she is the knowledge producer here. SCL can be fit through active learning, or problem solving based, project based learning, co-operative learning, inquiry based learning and finally the authentic learning. Teacher can apply any of the previous approaches in their classes to achieve the SCL; since the approaches will serve the different learning abilities. Also, teacher as he/she is a facilitator; then different resources to accomplish this learning style should be available to make the learning is more easy for students like internet or books.

In the end students with SCL style will learn variety of skills like problem solving skills, thinking & analysis skills, decision making, lifelong learning skills and finally social skills.

Inquiry Learning:

Recently, teachers are encouraged to use Inquiry learning in their teaching. It is about seeking information by questioning. Using this SCL style will change teacher's role in class; the teacher becomes a guided more than a deliver of information, because student is the one who should look, search, reflect, integrate information and finally refine their questions. Using such a method will help students to build their knowledge by their own and according to their interest!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week 4: Creating a Blog!

Today was our first lesson in Creating a blog. In fact, it's not new to me because I used to browse some blogs in the internet while am searching through Google. So, the name is not new, but the building and having one is new. However, I have an experience in building websites. Therefore, building a blog is almost like building a website. You can add videos, sounds or even pictures. You can change your blog colors. It's so easy; you just need an email to create your own blog. Then everything comes easy. You can choose the ready made template to build your blog. Once you did create yours, you can post your thoughts, ideas, talk through your own blog. The important thing is to keep checking your blog and updating it with latest to share with others your thoughts, and knowledge.

BTW, I am very happy to have my first blog in the Internet through this ICT course.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 3: ICT as a Mindtool

"Every generation has his ways and his style" this is an old say I used to hear it from my old-age relatives; especially, when they compare their lifestyle with the current. In fact, the same applies for teaching style and methods. In my school, I talked to experienced teachers about what style they prefer in teaching and I found out that they almost prefer the old traditional way of teaching. This can not fit with the new generations who grown up with computer, internet, mobile, and play station. It's been obvious that such a way of teaching is going to decrease student's desires of learning. Therefore, teachers are encouraged to use Mind-tools like ICT tools to engage student's critical thinking and higher desire of learning.

A good example of ICT tools in communication and co-operative learning is using a blog. Each student will have his/her own blog and will fill it with their reflections, thoughts, and ideas. It’s a good source for sharing knowledge among students and at the same time it will encourage students to learn more and more since they feel the awareness of learning. Moreover, having a blog will help students to organize their thoughts and will improve their writing skills at the same time. On the other hand, it will help teachers to understand their students more efficiently through their writings. I believe that teachers even experience one should improve and update their teaching styles to encourage and help students in their learning.

This website is about ICT Mindtools :

Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 2: ICT Role in Education

Can we live without technology? The answer is absolutely not. We live in a world that is full of technology around us. Look around! You will find simple gadgets such as calculators to most complicated ones like robots and mainframe. Technology has been everywhere; especially; after the revolution of Information and communication in last decade. Therefore, ICT or Information and communication Technology plays an important role in our life in all majors. One of them is Education. ICT has changed the way of learning and teaching. Therefore, it’s been obvious that the change in life has affected the teaching styles. Teacher shouldn’t use the old methods in their classes because today students used to use computer as a main tool in their learning. So, computer can be used as a tutee in programming side like in IT courses that students learn how to build a program or a website therefore; it needs understanding of the programming language that will be used to build such a program, for example, C++, Java, XML.
In the other hand, computer works as a tutor in some areas like in educational CDs for learning PowerPoint Presentation as an example. Here, the computer goes with the students step by step to learn the lesson.

Also, computer can work as a tool in two terms. First one, productive tool; in this teacher can use computer as a tool to produce worksheets, exams, e-lessons.., etc. Then, the production work will appear in good design and colors that will attractive students and motivate them in learning.
Second term, we can use computer as a mind tool like using inspiration program. Moreover, computer as a mind tool helps user to organize his/her thoughts like using blogs.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Welcome : )

Well, this blog will deal with the reflections of ICT course in ECAE for the Higher Diploma program. It will handle different topics in ICT in Education and my reflection about them. So, I hope you enjoy surfing it! :-)